Well, I don’t either. No offense to the designer of this theme, but I really don’t like using themes that I didn’t make myself on a blog or any site that I handle.

Anyway, I’m really not supposed to put this blog up till I finish my new layout, but I can’t help it. I’m suffering from “blog-withdrawal”รขโ‚ฌโ€I don’t know if there’s such a word, but that’s the best I can think of.

I’ve been busy the past few days: work, wedding, work, wedding. Marc and I are stingy so we’re still not hiring a wedding planner. It’s MY wedding, not the wedding planner’s, so I want to plan it myself. Anyway, I’m learning a lot, that I can tell you. I’ve been learning to budget both my time and our money. I’m also learning to be resourceful (you just HAVE TO be resourceful if you’re not rich and can’t buy everything). I’m so learning a lot with this that I even created a category specifically for my wedding-related posts. Who knows? Maybe someone out there reading my blog might find our stingy wedding techniques useful.

First stingy wedding move: Create your own invitations. It’s a damn hassle scouting for paper suppliers, ribbons, and what-have-you’s, but I’m telling you, we’re saving a GREAT deal. Marc and I are still in the process of looking for suppliers (not the just the ones you find at bookstores, mind you, but FACTORY suppliers). God gave me the talent for creativity and art, might as well use it to save on invites and the missalettes ๐Ÿ˜€ Anyway, once we have sample, I’ll show you guys a pic. And if I’m up to it, I’ll write the instructions on how to create them.

Since I’m still in the “canvassing” process, let’s talk about my dogs for now… I think Sheero is having a “sleep-beside-Gail” syndrome ๐Ÿ™ My dad didn’t want her (nor Choknat and Harry) sleeping beside me anymore because of the up-coming wedding. Why? Because they share everything with me, even their fleas. I can’t afford to have flea bites all over me on my wedding day. Sheero’s not taking it lightly though. She’s sad most of the time. I just let her sleep right beside me (we’re actually sharing the computer chair right now) while I’m working. She usually looks more cheerful after it. ๐Ÿ™‚

Anyway, that’s it for now. I hope you guys are all doing well! See you.